It is a pleasure to announce the Power TAC 2018 final results:
The first three places are:
1. AgentUDE, Universität Duisburg-Essen / DAWIS, Serkan Özdemir
2. VidyutVanika, IIIT Hyderabad (Machine Learning Lab) & TCS, Susobhan Ghosh
3. CrocodileAgent, University of Zagreb, Demijan Grgic
All final results can be viewed here:
We would like to thank all teams for a great competition! Without such a great community Power TAC would be meaningless!
Thanks to John Collins, Govert Buijs, and Erik Kemperman! Without them we would not be able to run the competition in such a professional manner! Thanks again!
We are looking forward to read great papers on the competition, agent strategies, and business models!