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Master Theses

General Information

The Department of Information Systems for Sustainable Society offers bachelor and master theses. However, the following information is exclusively applicable to master theses.

The individual theses are supervised by a first and a second examiner affiliated with the department. Please read up on the topics we offer specifically (see below) and in general (see topic areas) and the respective researchers that supervise in these areas. You can contact the researcher(s) fitting your topic preferences most closely. Please hand in your application in due time. After having agreed upon the topic of the thesis, a prompt registration at the examination office of the University of Cologne is possible.

The following first examiners are available:

As second examiners all doctoral researchers are available: 

For optimum preparation, we recommend you to participate in the courses offered by our department. These comprise detailed insights into relevant research topics in the context of energy systems. Furthermore, we aim at conveying fundamentals regarding data analytics and machine learning. Within additional seminars, you are granted the option to gain experience with respect to scientific work and writing. The individual feedback may act as a crucial cornerstone to assess your performance level, main interests, and requirements to successfully realize a thesis.

We strictly advise students to write their theses using Latex. This enables a quick adaption of the written thesis, e.g. to submit it to a journal. To facilitate the writing process, we provide a Latex template on Overleaf and an exemplary GitHub repository to organize the thesis. Using Overleaf's documentation, students can easily learn how to use Latex for scientific projects.


Please find below a list of all theses which are currently to be assigned. If no topic finds your interest, you might want to have a look at the research domains below and contact a potential supervisor directly. We can then try to find a suitable topic for you. For further inspiration you can also have a look at past thesis topics at our chair.

Name Co-Supervisor
Developing objective function for optimization of renewable energy systems (in collaboration with the start-up concept-e  ) Saber Talari
Improving renewable energy literacy through informative presentation of optimization results for individual energy systems (in collaboration with the start-up concept-e  ) Saber Talari
Optimizing funding search for renewable energy investment (BSc/MSc - in collaboration with the start-up concept-e  ) Saber Talari
Power TAC: Interpret the Broker's decisions using an XAI method Saber Talari
Communication among autonomous agents in a competitive environment Saber Talari
Charging-Aware Trip Assignment of Taxis Lennard Sund, Janik Muires


Topic Domains